Background Gradients

CSS gradients are a much better than using images for gradient effects. NOTE: gradients are background images.


The linear-gradient can display gradients along a single direction:
background: linear-gradient(gradient-direction, starting-color, next-color, ...end-color);

	background: linear-gradient(300deg, white, cornflowerblue, blue);


The radial-gradient can display gradients spreading outwards in all directions from a starting point:
background: radial-gradient(shape at starting-point, starting-color, next-color, ...end-color);

	background:radial-gradient(circle at center, white 0, cornflowerblue, blue 100%);

There will be plenty of gradient variations available, though only linear-gradient has good support at present.

Css-tricks provides examples of several gradient techniques. Experiment with the CSS gradient code generator to get a feel for the variety of options.

Css-tricks provides detailed examples for a variety of gradient useages