comp 1850 | introduction to web development

final project

build a unified website

Students will be asked to create an extensive web site incorporating concepts learned throughout the course. The content of the site should encompass an issue or topic that is relevant to the student, their friends, family or colleagues. If your company needs a web site, then this is a great opportunity!

required elements:

  1. 10 or more pages interlinked
  2. a clear topic that is readily apparent on the home page;
  3. a "clickable" site map or site index (i.e., supplemental navigation); Note: this should be a separate page - it is not your navigation menu and does not need to be graphical;
  4. at least 5 images (text header, photos, etc.);
  5. an example of tables;
  6. responsiveness to clients of all kinds (smartphone-thin and large-monitor-wide)
  7. an HTML web form (processing script is not required);
  8. a link to your (valid) email address;
  9. at least one scripting element (client-side JavaScript or server-side script such as PHP);
  10. an email notification to your instructor pointing to your completed project including a checklist showing how you've met all the requirements above (more below).

Students may use an HTML editor to complete this assignment, but may not use prefabricated themes to define their site.

Requirement 10: Handing it in:
Students must upload their web site to the account provided to them in class. Once they have tested their site in at least two popular browsers, students must send an email message to their instructor that includes the following information:

  • the URL for the home page
  • a checklist outlining how the above requirements have been met

The instructors will not chase you down to hand in your assignment. If there is no email in our inbox on the specified due date, you will get zero marks for the assignment.

Breakdown of the mark for this assignment is as follows:

required elements (see above) - 10
Note: the checklist element will help you ensure you've met all the requirements.

navigation - 10
Navigation must be clear, easy to understand and allow for browsing site with a minimum of user effort.

coding & markup - 10
Use only well-formed and valid HTML, CSS and scripting. Validate your code before publishing online. All CSS must be external; no inline or embedded CSS is allowed.

content - 10
The textual content of the site must be predominantly authored by the student, giving credit to sourced content. Images may be taken from online sources or created by you in image manipulation software. If the final project involves a site for a real-world client, exceptions may be made for using existing logos, marketing copy, etc.

design - 10
Comply with best practices in design: (contrast, repetition, alignment, proximity, etc.)
The layout of all pages must be determined by a single source of CSS. Layout must make use of flexbox or grids, and may NOT be a repeat of a layout demonstrated in class or in your own homework assignments thus far.

total - 50

assigned: session 1
due: session 12
weight: 25% of final grade

comp 1850 home | about the course | resources | 01 | introduction | 02 | html fundamentals | 03 | intro to css | 04 | intro to page layout | 05 | responsive web design | 06 | planning site structure | 07 | design principles | 08 | advanced css elements | 09 | advanced page layout | 10 | forms | 11 | introduction to javascript | assignment one | assignment two | assignment three | assignment four | assignment five | assignment six | final project | dave tanchak | students on bcitwebdev | learning hub login | bcit | bcit: computing |