comp 1850 | web design and development one

session five


  • what is responsive design?
  • the mobile viewport
  • flexible grids
  • media queries
  • responsive images & text
  • examples & exercises
  • readings & resources

what is responsive design?

  • at a basic level, responsive design is aimed at making websites look good on all devices
  • not a technology - an approach that uses a set of best practices to create a website layout that suits the user's device
  • sites should "respond" to the user's behaviour based on screen size, platform and orientation - content adapts to "fit" any device
  • goal is to detect user's screen size and orientation and adjust the layout accordingly
  • originally included three main components:
    1. Flexible, grid-based layouts
    2. Flexible images and media
    3. Media queries
  • flexible grids and images allow the website to resize to the appropriate width and orientation of viewports
  • media queries allow for different styles for specific browsers and devices

mobile viewport

  • mobile devices have three viewport models to consider:
    1. layout viewport is how mobile devices render full-sized, non-responsive desktop styled layouts. It might 'fake' the actual width, e.g., a mobile browser that is actually 640px wide might act as 950px wide to show more of the page. It is advisable to override this behavior using the meta tag described below.
    2. visual viewport is what the user can currently see e.g., if they zoom in or out, the visual viewport is changed
    3. ideal viewport is the optimal layout that should require no zooming to be usable. The particular width and height of the ideal viewport is different across mobile devices. Portrait vs. landscape orientation will also change the ideal viewport.
  • meta viewport tag
    • add meta viewport tag to .html files to ensure your responsive designs use the ideal viewport, not the layout viewport.
    • place the following in the head section, before you apply your stylesheets:

      <!-- ensure ideal device width detection... -->
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

      <!-- ...before you add your stylesheets -->
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="responsive_styles.css" media="all">

    New and improved webpage template

flexible grids

  • early responsive design achieved flexible layouts using float - floated layouts gave each element a percentage width so that the total layout came to 100%
  • since it's impossible to target every device size, using a flexible grid allows you to add a breakpoint and change the design at the point where the content layout starts to breakdown, e.g.:
    • if the line lengths become too long (unreadable) as the screen size increases
    • a box is squashed and can only allow two or three words on each line as it gets narrower
  • Ethan Marcotte described a formula to convert a fixed-width layout designed using pixels into a responsive layout using percentages:

    target / context = result

  • example: say you have a fixed-width layout where a column (target) is 80 pixels, and the container (context) holding it is 1024 pixels - we divide 80 by 1024 and move the decimal point two places to the right to get a value we can use in our CSS:

    .col {
    width: 7.81%; /* 80 / 1024 = 0.078125 */

  • this approach is still in use on many sites, and it is worth understanding it as you may come across it - but it has been surpassed by more modern approaches:
  • all are responsive by default and give you easier ways to achieve flexible layouts
  • walkthrough exercise: add flexible grid structure to the 01_fluid_layout_begin files in the session05

media queries

  • CSS Media Queries are used to detect different client characteristics such as device width or orientation
  • use @media declarations to detect the status of the client, then provide a suitably styled layout
  • a basic media query can be used to apply styles based on the type of client. Use it to choose a stylesheet for screen or print
    @media TYPE { CSS rules go here }


    /* styles applied to screen devices */
    @media screen { body { color:#fff; } }

  • a compound media query is used to be more selective about which styles a client will receive based on its characteristics (e.g., desktop vs tablet vs smartphone)
  • use the and conjunctive to chain together a series of conditional statements
    @media TYPE and (FEATURE: VALUE) { CSS rules go here }


    /* client is 1025px wide or greater */
    @media screen and (min-width: 1025px){ body {color:blue;} }

    /* client is between 801px and 1024px wide */
    @media screen and (min-width: 801px) and (max-width: 1024px){ body {color:red;} }

    /* client is 800px wide or less */
    @media screen and (max-width: 800px){ body {color:green;} }

  • use of logical conjunctive and ensures more than one condition must be true before the styles will apply
  • most media queries will involve one or more and, but there are other possibilities as well
  • learn more about the media query logic options
  • your queries that reference widths or heights should use and to define both the upper and lower boundaries to ensure a more predictable cascade
  • options:
    • TYPE: Target media type, usually screen and print. If you want older browsers to avoid using your responsive styles, you use only screen
    • FEATURE: There are a number of features that can be targeted, including:
      • width: width of the viewport
      • height: height of the viewport
      • min-width, max-width: minimum/maximum width of the viewport
      • min-height, max-height: minimum/maximum height of the viewport
      • device-width: width of the device
      • device-height: height of the device
      • orientation: landscape or portrait
    • VALUE: the corresponding value such as size in pixels or other specifications like landscape
  • implementation:
    • when a page is initially rendered, the user agent (browser) assesses the size of the viewport and selects CSS based on any media query declarations, and continues to adjust if/as the viewport is resized
    • embedded queries: media queries can be specified in the link tag itself:
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="smaller.css" media="screen and (max-width: 1025px)">
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="larger.css" media="screen and (min-width: 1024px)">
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="printer.css" media="print">
    • external queries: defined in an external CSS file, and linked to like any other stylesheet:

      /* client is 1024px or less */
      @media screen and (max-width: 1024px){
      body { font-size: .8em; }

      /* client is wider than 1024px */
      @media screen and (min-width: 1024px){
      body { font-size: 2em; }

      /* styles for printers */
      @media print {
      header { display:none; }

    • if your .css contains media queries for both screen and print, ensure the <link> tag uses media="all"
  • media queries demo
  • walkthrough exercise: update the 02_media_query_demo_begin css file with additional media queries to achieve the effects in the file linked above
  • walkthrough exercise: add media queries to the previous 01_fluid_layout_begin css file

responsive images & text

  • essential idea is that images will scale to suit the viewport
  • original simple technique was to set max-width: 100%; on img elements in your CSS
  • allows images to scale down smaller if containing column is narrower than the image's native size, but keep it from growing larger
  • downsides:
    • bandwidth: image can be displayed much smaller than original size, wasting bandwidth e.g., a mobile user would need to download an image of much greater filesize than warranted for what is displayed in the window
    • aspect ratio: no control over image aspect ratio - you may want different orientation (landscape, portrait, square) depending on viewport
  • responsive images using <picture> and the <img> srcset and sizes attributes allow you provide multiple images for a client to choose from
  • each picture tag requires one or more source tags and its last child must be an img
  • advantages:
    • send lower bandwidth images for smaller clients
    • reframe images suitably for different sized devices
  • attributes for the source tag:
    • srcset - the path to the image
    • media - a media query that determines if the image is used
    • type - define the MIME type of the image; if a client does not support the type, the image will not be used
  • responsive images demo
  • font sizing techniques

lab exercise: creating a responsive flexbox layout

  1. From the session05 folder, open the 06_responsive_flex_begin folder in your HTML editor.
  2. Open the responsive-flex-layout.html file and add the <meta> element to ensure ideal device width detection (see notes above). Make sure you add this before the style sheet.
  3. Review the rest of the file to familiarize yourself with the structure, e.g., IDs, classes, nested structure, etc.
  4. Open the responsive-flexbox.css file and review the instructions at the top of the page.
  5. Add CSS to create flex containers as described.
  6. Update the CSS rules for flex items to distribute content as outlined.
  7. Review the instructions at the bottom of the page and add a media query that stacks the content of the page into one column, with the sidebars appearing after the main content, when the client is less than 600px wide.
  8. Upload the finished page and style sheet to your webspace and send a link to your instructor via chat/email.

readings & resources

comp 1850 home | about the course | resources | 01 | introduction | 02 | html fundamentals | 03 | intro to css | 04 | intro to page layout | 05 | responsive web design | 06 | planning site structure | 07 | design principles | 08 | advanced css elements | 09 | advanced page layout | 10 | forms | 11 | introduction to javascript | assignment one | assignment two | assignment three | assignment four | assignment five | assignment six | final project | dave tanchak | students on bcitwebdev | learning hub login | bcit | bcit: computing |