comp 1850 | introduction to web development

session ten


  • form basics
  • creating a form shell
  • form elements
  • submit/reset buttons
  • form processing
  • readings & resources

form basics

  • HTML Forms are used to gather data from users and send it to a server for processing:
    • give feedback
    • leave a comment on a page
    • vote in a poll or survey
    • register for workshop
  • there are two basic parts to a form:
    • the shell which is used to show the form controls for the user to input data (fields, labels and buttons)
    • a server-side processing script that takes user-submitted data and does something useful with it
  • the shell part is fairly easy and similar to creating other parts of a web page, allowing you to create:
    • text boxes
    • larger text areas
    • radio buttons
    • check boxes
    • drop-down menus

creating a form shell

  • three important parts:
    • form tag which includes the url of the script that will process the form:
      <form method="post" action="script.url">
    • the form elements (fields, text areas)
    • submit button which sends the data to the script for processing
  • more on form basics

selected form elements

  • text boxes
    • contain one line of text
    • typically used for names, addresses, email, etc.
    • <input type="text" name="title" id="title" size="n" maxlength="n">
    • default value for size attribute is 20, but visitors can add more text than fits in the box up to the value defined for "maxlength"
  • check boxes
    • visitor can select as many as they like
    • linked by the value of the "name" attribute
    • <input type="checkbox" name="title" id="title" value="value">
    • the above used for each check box in the set
  • radio buttons
    • can only select one from a group
    • e.g., i live in canada or australia, not both
    • <input type="radio" name="set" id="radio1" value="data">
    • "data" is the text that will be sent to server
  • note that the above, and other elements, are all put in place with the <input> element
  • more on input elements
  • larger text areas
    • used in cases where you want to give the visitor more room to write
    • common uses include comments and survey answers
    • <textarea name="name" id="name" rows="n" cols="n">default text</textarea>
    • visitors can enter up to 32,700 characters in a text area
    • more on the textarea element
  • select menu
    • can select as may as they like, however one selection is the norm
    • normally used as select menus for countries, state, province etc
    • <select name="cars">
      <option value="audi"></option>
    • "audi" is the text that will be sent to server
    • more on the select/option element
  • hidden elements
    • used by the web designer (you) to store information from earlier forms or to send pre-determined variables to the cgi script
    • <input type="hidden" name="name" value="value">
  • label elements
    • The <label> tag defines a label for an <input> element.
    • The <label> element does not render as anything special for the user. However, it provides a usability improvement for mouse users, because if the user clicks on the text within the <label> element, it toggles the control.
    • The for attribute of the <label> tag should be equal to the id attribute of the related element to bind them together.

submit/reset buttons

  • forms are pretty much useless without a way to let the user send the information to you/the server
    • <input type="submit" value="submit message">
    • default submit message is "submit query"
  • should also give visitors an easy way to clear the form and start over
    • <input type="reset" value="reset message">
    • default submit message is "reset"

form processing

  • each element on a form has a name and a value associated with it
  • the name identifies the data that is being sent (e.g., visitor_name)
  • the value is the data itself (e.g., dave)
  • the value can come from the web designer (you) or from the visitor who enters data into a field
  • when submit button is clicked, the name-value pair for each element (visitor_name=dave) is sent to the server
  • script takes all the name value pairs and separates them out into something a human (or database) can understand
  • two ways to send information to the server:
    • get: appends name value to the end of an url (redirection, customization)
    • post: sends a data file with the name-value pairs to the server (feedback, purchasing)
  • a script is executable - not a static file that does nothing, but rather, responds to input
  • more on form processing

assignment six

objective: Write, test, and publish a well-styled, semantic HTML page that includes a form.

See detailed requirements.

readings & resources

comp 1850 home | about the course | resources | 01 | introduction | 02 | html fundamentals | 03 | intro to css | 04 | intro to page layout | 05 | responsive web design | 06 | planning site structure | 07 | design principles | 08 | advanced css elements | 09 | advanced page layout | 10 | forms | 11 | introduction to javascript | assignment one | assignment two | assignment three | assignment four | assignment five | assignment six | final project | dave tanchak | students on bcitwebdev | learning hub login | bcit | bcit: computing |